
Reading Socially

These reading social sites were recently mentioned on O’Reilly radar. http://www.goodreads.com/http://www.librarything.com/ Goodreads seems like a good place to try the concept and Librarything lets you start with 200 books before money is involved.Goodreads asks for access to your addressbook on Googlemail for example. This is similar to Facebook which makes this request in order to …

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Geek TV

I don’t have time to watch these since I am debugging a Ruby script but maybe you will. http://radar.oreilly.com/archives/2007/10/geeks_on_tv_1.htmlalso the Wired article on same. http://www.wired.com/entertainment/hollywood/news/2007/09/geektv_reviews Technorati Tags: Entertainment, Video

Cook with your Mac

Tidbits has a thorough review of Mac recipe programs and happened to choose as their top pick the one I have been evaluating MacGourmet.http://db.tidbits.com/article/9198Check it out if you want to organize your cooking information.

Healthy eating information that should be easy to apply

There is lots of information on living healthy but the following article seems particularly practical to apply. Healthy diet tips Highly recommend checking out this blog entry and printing it out. Here are the topics but check out the web site because there is a lot of valuable information in the description:1. Timing. 2. Portions. …

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Self motivation is valuable both at work and in your personal life.It is not something that should be seen as a passive activity that just happens to you but as something you can work at to increase your chances of being inspired.One way to do this is to analyse what you can do to emphasize …

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